The Fight Continues

Almost a year and the fight for justice continues.
More people taken because of the injustices created in this country.
A country whose propaganda is “for the people”
But neglect those that look different.
The unfortunate reality is
This has been going on for longer than a year.

For decades, we’ve ignored the importance of accountability.
Stating what the victim did wrong
But not holding the perpetrators accountable.
Elongating “justice” through our “justice” system.

Establishing that those who are white commit crimes
“Because they were bullied”—
Always giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Whereas those who are not white commit “terrorist attacks”—
Belittling their humanity and
Targeting them because “they fit the profile”.

We fail to acknowledge the effects of these injustices.
George Floyd murdered while he begged for his mother.
Breonna Taylor murdered at home— her place of refuge.
Adam Toledo murdered while complying for his safety.
Daunte Wright murdered leaving his two-year-old behind.
This is just naming a few.
There are many more we have lost and need to keep fighting for.

We must continue to use our platforms to bring awareness
Stand up for others regardless of their skin color
Show compassion for everyone even if they look different than us
Continue supporting those who are still healing
Use our voices to call out injustices.
The fight continues.

George Floyd’s murderer has been found guilty and although “justice has been served”, we still have a long way to go. My prayers go out to George Floyd’s family and to other families of those who’ve been killed by the hands of police officers.


Stripped Down


How to be American: